Finished Chapter and Reflections
Source : Unsplash Today I finished my book chapter, including references, examples and a bibliography. It was a hard start as I wasn't sure which route I wanted to go down in terms of Story Structure, but in the end found two themes I wished too explore further in my writing. Overall I'm happy with how my chapter came out in the short time I managed to write it. If I could go back I would definitely research further into the mechanics of Story Structure, possibly add the origins of the three act structure etc. Below is my final chapter in full. The structure of a story is crucial to the success of a video game. Story Structure is the framework that game designers build their experience. An example of a simple story structure in gaming can be the setup of the game for the player, the progress and/or conflict of the game, and the resolution. In the gaming world, structure can be divided up into levels of the game as a means of the player to know when the game is progressing. T...