Tech Task - Bookmarking


For this week's extra credit task I decided to undertake a bookmarking task. I never really bookmarked before on a web browser but I was aware bookmarking on the Safari engine was easy and efficient with regard to keeping tabs organised and easy to access. I found this to be true as bookmarking any resources that many of my module leaders give on Moodle was an easier way for me to access them in real time, and have them stored there for however long I needed. Organising the tabs into sub categories, for example as you can see above, I created folders for year one, and year two. I then created sub category folders for the semesters and their respective modules. I now have a space to bookmark any important or relevant tabs for websites etc in my bookmark page on Safari and highly recommend others to do the same!


  1. Hi Tara, love the bookmarks, I really got to get around to doing that it would save a lot of time and effort remembering all the sites I've visited, sometimes id accidently close my explorer and lose all the tabs I was on. I NEED this for this year. good luck with this semester!


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